Detect your customers’ pain points and help your B2B business

Here at Meeting Dots, we insist that one of the keys to the success of your business is to know your customers, whether they are potential or actual customers, very well. 

And, when we say very well, we are talking about knowing them in depth.

You must be able to even put a face to them or know them like the neighbour you meet every day on the landing of your stairs: age, place of residence, what they consume, how they do it, what activities they do in their free time, what challenges they have every day… 

And, in addition to all this, be very clear about the pain points of your B2B customers


Read on and we will tell you.

Detect your customers' pain points and help your B2B business

Let’s go with the definition of “pain points”.

Pain points are those problems or needs that your potential and actual customers have and that the product or service you put on the market must solve.

In other words, you should not launch any product without first knowing whether it meets the real needs of your target audience. If not, you risk wasting time and money. 

In short, the pain point is, literally, what hurts your customer. It is the number one problem that your product must eliminate from their life forever and successfully. 

Whether your customer stays with you forever or runs away from you for the rest of your business life depends on that success.

Beneficios de definir los pain points de tus clientes B2B

Although in the previous section you can deduce one of the reasons why you should define these pain points, let’s focus on it so that you can see the enormous importance that this aspect has in your strategy of entry, penetration, and total expansion of your business within a particular market.

  • As we said before, if you do not know the pain points of your target audience, it will be very difficult for your product to be useful for them because you will be completely unaware of the problems or needs of your customers.
  • Although it is sometimes a bit cruel, knowing what hurts your B2B customers can lead you to create a special relationship with them. This will allow you to help them much better than your competition.
  • Having in front of a board each one of the pain points of B2B companies will allow you to reach quality prospects.
  • And here comes the most beautiful loop in the whole world of sales. If you know the pain points, you will reach quality B2B customers and that will increase your conversion rate; because you are solving real problems and companies will be more than willing to buy your products.
  • Linked to the above, your sales closing meetings will be much more productive because you will receive fewer calls with objections and doubts.

In short, if you are looking to develop effective and efficient business proposals; finding the pain points of your B2B customers is vital.

Tips and tactics for detecting your audience’s pain points

Tips and tactics to detect the pain points of your audience

We are now going to talk to you about the essential steps you must take to define the pain points of your B2B customers. 

Don’t miss any details!

  • Initial investigation

Here we are back to the beginning of the post. 

You have to be able to know these companies “inside out”, that is, as if you were a lifelong friend. 

You have to know what they think, what worries or scares them; what challenges they face, what their daily behaviour is, and what their objectives are, as we mentioned at the beginning of this post.

It is about getting into their mind and anticipating what they think and what they need. 

Thanks to this analysis you will be able to create what we call in marketing, “an empathy map”. 

This map is a very recurrent tool with which you will perfectly describe your ideal customer since you analyze aspects related to human feelings.

  • Detect the pain points and needs of your B2B customers.

To eliminate pain points, you first must know them.

You can’t go blindly in this regard because you would risk offering a service that no one is interested in.

If you have done the previous step well, you will know your customer perfectly well and, therefore, you will also know what their pain points are.

  • Don’t forget to put yourself in the shoes of your B2B customers.

Putting yourself in your clients’ shoes is the best way to understand what their problems are and what really hurts them.

Thus, by seeing these points in your texts or listening to them in a meeting, the client in question will feel identified and will see you as the best solution to their problems because it will be clear to them that you understand them better than their competitors.

To clearly locate your customers’ pain points, you can count on us!

If you find it difficult to define your target audience, create that empathy map and specify their pain points; we are here to give you a hand.

Contact us without obligation and we will find a solution for your business.

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