Types of meetings to consider before a sales closing

There are key meetings that you need to know how to master before proceeding with a sales closing. 

Knowing them will help you plan and understand as much as possible the whole process from start to finish. 

What are these meetings? 

Read on and we’ll tell you. 

In this blog we have already helped you more than once to make your B2B meetings effective and, in addition, we have told you the fundamental reason to prepare them well.

Meetings to consider before a sales closing

Pre-meeting tips

Something that coincides in all successful meetings is the anticipation. 

The people who manage to close a higher number of sales have done so by preparing the meetings well in advance. 

What’s more, these meetings are always planned strategically. No successful person takes these meetings as just a short chat. 

Keep in mind that every meeting you plan must have a specific objective. 

And always keep in mind that ineffective and unproductive meetings are costing you a lot of money.

Here are the types of meetings you should plan before sales closing

Scoping meeting

Prepare this meeting with great care because this meeting is gold for your B2B business

From this meeting you should obtain information about your prospect such as: the situation they are in, what needs or problems they have, what they aspire to, what they are worried about… 

If you can find out if they are working with the competition, encourage them to explain how they are doing with them, tell you what they value, find out where they may be weak. 

This will allow you to improve your service and qualify your leads.

Testing meeting

After the previous one, schedule a test meeting. 

As the name suggests, we are going to test what we consider to be real leads. 

After the information obtained from the previous meeting, you have been able to deduce what type of customer may be the one you are looking for and fits the profile of your B2B business. 

Remember to schedule these appointments well: send the exact date and time, send reminders of the meeting and do it by email because everything is written down and it is more difficult to forget.

Budget meeting

Doing this meeting correctly is vital for closing sales. 

We are going to start talking about money and that always throws the person in front of us a little bit back, even we ourselves are afraid that this budget will be rejected. 

Do not be afraid. 

Remember that it is also necessary to verify if the client you have sitting at the table fits economically with your business or not. 

Don’t show desperation, trust yourself and keep a coherent line of argument all the time. Before each question, argue with a good reason, ask questions about the sales to pave the way.

Meeting to contact the prospect with your sales agent

It’s all about leading the customer toward closing the deal.

Remind your sales agent to provide personalized service to your prospect, to further deepen the relationship you’ve worked on up to this point. 

Refer the prospect to an agent who can match that client in personality, work experience, etc.

Work hand in hand with your sales agent for the final meeting, don’t lose sight of the goal, plan and success will be closer.

Final tips to increase deal closing

To further boost the closing of sales, take note of these last tips: 

  • To sell your business well, know your product/service in depth and determine as rigorously as possible the benefits to the customer. Explain to the customer the opportunity in front of them and make it clear that you are THE solution to their problems.
  • Prepare a good set of questions and answers and rehearse as much as you can to be prepared for any situation that may arise during the meeting.
  • When it comes to budgeting, be clear about prices and profit margins. This is a fundamental point for the negotiation to be a success and to avoid hurting other clients you are already working with.
  • Set the objectives correctly, it is vital for everything to go well. 

Did you know about these types of meetings prior to closing sales? 

Do you have other types of appointments in mind that have worked for you? 

Tell us down here in the comments, sharing is caring. 😊

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